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  • Cub Scouting
    Cub Scouting embraces Family Values, Character Growth, Citizenship, Scout Skills, Life Skills, Creativity, Fitness and most of all FUN. Cub Scouts are organized in Packs and further divided into age appropriate Dens. Cub Scouts range from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade depending upon your sons age. Visit the "Dens" portion of our site to learn more. With all that it embraces, and encourages, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts give boys a leg up on their competition due to the very nature of the programs.
  • Pack Structure
    LMES Pack 15 is governed by a Pack Committee, made up of volunteers from our Pack who organize and plan all of our events. The Committee also selects leaders, performs record keeping, manages the pack, orders badges, awards, and equipment. The Committee makes sure that the Pack is run properly and in accordance with the By-Laws and Regulations enforced by our District Executive. We are in the Mad River District. Lastly, we are overseen by the Connecticut Rivers Council, who represents us Nationally. Our charter organization is the LMES PTO who charters our pack under their title and, more importantly, provides us with help and support throughout the year with recruiting and community service projects.
  • Committee
    Every pack is under the supervision of a Pack Committee, which consists of at least three members (chair, secretary, and treasurer). By handling administrative and support tasks, the Pack Committee allows the Cubmaster, Den leaders, and their assistants to focus on working directly with the Cub Scouts. ​ With a committee of three, members must assume responsibility for more areas of service than with a committee of seven or more. Although packs can and do operate with a minimum of three committee members, experience has shown that a larger committee generally ensures a stronger, more stable pack and is better able to perform all the required functions to ensure a successful pack program. It is also a way of involving more pack families in meaningful service to the pack. Pack Committee Qualifications: Is at least 21 years old, is selected by the chartered organization, and is registered as an adult leader of the BSA. Has completed and is current according to the BSA standards regarding Youth Protection Training. One member is designated as Pack Committee chair. ​ Responsibilities Regardless of the size of the Pack Committee, these responsibilities must be performed: ​ Make recommendations regarding pack leadership to the chartered organization for final approval of pack leadership. Recruit the Cubmaster and one or more assistant Cubmasters, with the chartered organization’s approval. Coordinate the pack’s program and the chartered organization’s program through the chartered organization representative. Help with pack charter renewal. Help stimulate the interest of adult family members through proper programming. Supervise finances and equipment. Vigorously assist the Cubmaster. Ensure that all Cub Scouts receive a year-round, quality program. Complete Pack Committee Fast Start training and Basic Leader Training for the position. Conduct, with the help of the Cubmaster, periodic training for parents and guardians. Cooperate with other Scouting units. A strong Pack Committee will have individual members assigned to such areas as record keeping and correspondence, finances, advancement, training, public relations, and membership and registration. The Pack Committee chair decides how the responsibilities should be divided and gives committee members assignments. Here are details of the various Pack Committee functions: Pack Committee Chair Chartered Organization Representative Secretary Treasurer Advancement Chair Public Relations Chair Outdoor Activity Chair Member and Re-registration Chair Fundraising Chair Pack Trainer Cubmaster Assistant Cubmaster Den Leaders Den Chiefs
  • Adult Leaders
    Adult Leaders of Cub Scout packs take the names of The Jungle Book's main characters and are called Akela. Carefully selected leaders provide good role models and are taught to reinforce positive qualities of character. All Adult leaders are trained in Youth Protection and abide by the Two Deep policy while around any Cub Scout.
  • The Time
    The time you'll spend with your young Cub Scout will be well spent. You will work with your son on his various award requirements. Each Den and Pack meeting are carefully planned by our Den Leaders and the Cubmaster. Our Dens meet 1-3 times per month in the evenings for about an hour and usually include a "go see it" function like a visit to our local Bank, Town Hall, Fire/Police Department etc. Start times vary from Den to Den because of age. As the Cub Scout moves up the ranks, he is required to be more and more self sufficient and aside from Den meetings, extra curricular effort is required by the Scout to meet the requirements of all the Activity Badges needed to earn the final and most coveted Arrow of Light Award.
  • Pack Meetings
    Pack Meetings are once a month and this is when all the dens get together for a well planned scouting function. All the scouts love the Pack meetings because it is similar to going to a party. Our Pack Meetings are themed and include several aspects to keep the boys interested and the time flies by! As the weather gets nice, we like to bring our Pack Meetings outside to enjoy nature and the great outdoors.
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